Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

that's what i do to avoid going to school with terribly frizzy and wavy hair. is this damaging my hair in any way?

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

well anything that involves heat is going to be damaging. but millions of people - myself included - straighten their hair on a daily basis. the key is to do what you can to maintain your hair's health: in the shower, shampoo only a few times a week and always use conditioner; also, do a hair treatment (like a leave in conditioner) once a week.

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

Generally yes, try to find a spray that protects the 'heat'. there are lots in the super-market or pharmacies. just go and ask...

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

it depends on what type of styling tool ur using. i would consult a hair dresser to protect ur hair. get a seramic straightner it is more healthier and i believe less damaging.

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

if you arent using heat protective spray

but i reccomend that you invest in a better flat iron

so that you wouldnt have to flat iron it everyday, like the Sedu.

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

yes it's bad. you are drying your hair out and damaging it. which could cause it to be more frizzy and give you split and dead ends.

make sure you use a deep conditioner and try to limit the number of times you straighten your hair to like three times a week. pick other hairstyles for the other four days that limit the amount of straightening.

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

Yes, it can. It can break it off and also cause split ends and dry it out.

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

yeah it is because it burns your hair to straighten it. so i would only do it like once a week, but there are sprays that you can put on before you straighten your hair that makes it so it doesn't burn. and also if you have a ceramic straightener its better for your hair.

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

no i straighten my hair everyday i have been for like 5 years so i think it should be fine!

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

of course! some irons get as hot as ovens but you can minimize the damage by putting in a heat protector spray

if you do flat iron your hair everyday do a deep conditioning treatment once a week to keep your hair healthy looking.

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

Yes it can be, the inevitable truth is that if you prefer to dye or straighten your hair it will suffer some damage. Of course, this is much easier to manage when your hair is shorter, but when its longer, the best you can do is make it LOOK like its not damaged, which things like gloss can help with. The other important thing is to take good care of your scalp. Maybe avoid using permanant dyes and go to Natural Instincts instead if u can? Remember, as long as your scalp is in good condition, healthy hair should grow back to make up for damaged hair.

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

it's only bad if you if you dont use heat protectent on your hair like a spray and or serum

Is straightening your hair every day bad?

im the same way I hate having pooy hair but i've staightend my hair or the past 5 months and it should do anythign but... make sure you blowdry your hair and then straightrn beucase then your hair wont look right!

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