Tuesday, November 17, 2009

How does straightening your hair before bed work for you?

i have fine, naturally straight hair with a slight flip to the ends. i like my hair stick straight, but i never have time before school.

How does straightening your hair before bed work for you?

i straighten mine every night before bed and it saves me a lot of time in the mornings, i usually only have to re-straighten my bangs in the morning, and i'm good to go.

How does straightening your hair before bed work for you?

i straighten every night before school. when i wake up its a little wavy but i just touch it up.

How does straightening your hair before bed work for you?

Try it out. I have staightened my hair at night befor for school in the morning. But i always just fix it up a little in the moring to look fresh and better. It saves alot of time doing it at night. Test it out, it never hurts to try.

How does straightening your hair before bed work for you?

I usually straighten my hair before i go to bed, then when I wake up I put it in a pony tail straighten it, take it out and leave it out. That works easiest for me. I hope it works for you.

How does straightening your hair before bed work for you?

i do mine before i got to bed and i find that its crinckled again by the moring due to moving at night but ive found that if i loosly tie it up in a low pony tail it keeps dead straight hope it helps


How does straightening your hair before bed work for you?

i do it all the time

it works pretty good

depending on the straightner

try it out

it doesnt hurt.

How does straightening your hair before bed work for you?

it depends on the atmosphere in ur room. if it's warm/hot ur hair will wave just a little. it the room is cool/cold ur hair will stay straight. if u move a lot when u sleep ur hair will be messed up but if u don't move a lot it won't get very messed up. my hair usually stays sraightish when i straighten it at night. 閳?hope i helped.

How does straightening your hair before bed work for you?

i have thick wavy hair, and whenever i straighten my hair before i go to bed, my hair is more softer and has less fly aways. but then its not stick straight in the morning, it has a slight flip at the ends.

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