Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Straightening Balm on african american hair?

does straightening balm work on african american hair? will it make my thick coarse hair go back to being straight after washing it (with a relaxer in it)? After the 2nd week of having a relaxer and washing my hair it ends up being very thick and dry looking, it feels like bristle instead of soft. Does straightening blam give this effect?

Straightening Balm on african american hair?

No, it doesn't work but just try to straighten it with a hair straightner, and maybe braid it before you go to bed to help your hair become stronger and softer

Straightening Balm on african american hair?

Don't use that. Your hair is dry bc you need moisture in it. Try B%26amp;B moisturizer and S-Curl. I use S-Curl and I'm in LOVE with it. It keeps my hair moisturized and soft. Because we are more prone breakage we need a lot of moisture for the hair. Try to straighten hair once a week. No more than that.

In the mean time check this web forum out. These ladies are very informational and will help you: http://forum.blackhairmedia.com/

Just click on the section that interests you.

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