Friday, November 13, 2009

Is permanent straightening harmful for hair? i have waist lenght hair but very curly and rough!!pls

Just like anything dramatic you do to your hair it has it's side effect often split ends and a tendency to be very dry. Plus when it grows out the top of your head has it's natural curl to it so unless you plan on cutting it make sure you can afford to keep up with regular maintenance.

Is permanent straightening harmful for hair? i have waist lenght hair but very curly and rough!!pls help!?

ask a hairstylist... not these amatures here on YA! ........ :)

Is permanent straightening harmful for hair? i have waist lenght hair but very curly and rough!!pls help!?

waist length?! wow thats long...i think it could be harmful since ur messing with hair thats meant to be curly..i think u should cut ur hair a little shorter and just straighten it with..a straightener. :D

Is permanent straightening harmful for hair? i have waist lenght hair but very curly and rough!!pls help!?

yes and very thin and it will eventually start falling out

Is permanent straightening harmful for hair? i have waist lenght hair but very curly and rough!!pls help!?

its long

thats the important thing

Is permanent straightening harmful for hair? i have waist lenght hair but very curly and rough!!pls help!?

im not sure i was thinking about getting permanently straigh hair also.....ive had my hair pressed a few times and my wasnt damaged.....i have very unruly unmanagable spiral curly hair was thinking bout getting permanent straightining so i wouldnt have to worry and obsess about my hair too much during the school year...

Is permanent straightening harmful for hair? i have waist lenght hair but very curly and rough!!pls help!?

Anytime you use a chemical on your hair, it's harmful for your hair. The key is to keep it well conditioned at all times, %26amp; try not to use heat on your hair if you can help it.

**Blazin 22* I'm no amatuer!!!!!

Is permanent straightening harmful for hair? i have waist lenght hair but very curly and rough!!pls help!?

Well it's like a four hour process and the chemicals that they use are drying, being that you won't have to use much heat for about a year with lots of conditioner you'll be fine

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