Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

You just like to play with your look. Nothing wrong with that

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

There is more to loving yourself then just looks.

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?


Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

hey i do it too and i am the luuuuuuuv docta

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

You're just a wannabe and you're trying to look perfect, but you're not.

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

no you just like looking good!

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?


I do the same thing...

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Yes, you still do. Putting on make-up and straightening your hair doesn't mean that you're only trying to cover something up. Maybe you just want to look good and that doesn't mean you don't love yourself.

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Yes, you must love making yourself look good, me 2!!

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Sure, you love yourself enough to take care of yourself and your appearance. Some people just don't care enough about themselves to give any effort.

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

i dot the same, and i love myself. i really dont think doing these things mean you dont.

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

its okay to love yourself as long as ur not FULL of your self you kno?

and even if u put makeup/straightn ur hair theres nothing wrong with that


Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

yes!!!! girlz who do that usaually to enhance their beauty! LIKE ME! No one is perfect no matter wat you do so, yes, you will have flaws here and there--------------------} so live and love it! my mottos are wat i carry with me! LOVE URSELF

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?


Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Of course, your just enhancing your beauty, but I think girls worry to much about what other people think. We need to put down the lip gloss and just go...learn to love ourselves for who we are!

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Do you mean love yourself as in prideful? If that is what you mean, I say no. I think that qualifies as taking care of yourself.

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Nothing wrong with loving yourself! plus you can just love being creative with your looks too, which is fantastic

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Nope you just like playing around with your looks. I'm the same way.

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Yes,(no offense) I love my self cuz i do that, i put make up on and straighten my hair and i hate my hair when its tangled!!閳俱儮娅忛埦銉㈡珡閳俱儮娅忛埦銉㈡珡閳俱儮娅忛埦銉㈡珡閳俱儮娅忛埦?閳?br>Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

you can love yourself without doing those things too. everybody should love themselves.

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Yes and you also love to look presentable. The myth that says you don't love yourself if you put chemicals in your hair or you wear makeup was formulated by a team of misguided people who had nothing better to do.

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

i think that only you can answer that hun, but theres nothing wrong with wanting to make yourself FEEL pretty, because thats basically all that makeup and straighteners do, they make us feel good about ourselves. however, if you don't feel as if you could go out in public WITHOUT your hair or face completly made up, you might have a problem...but a good healthy want for nice hair/ make up is not bad! :D

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

Would you love yourself if you had no make-up and non-straigtened hair? If so, then you love yourself... if not, then maybe you should learn how to love yourself. Putting on make-up and straightening your hair does not mean that you love or don't love your actual self... it just means that you love making yourself look pretty... lol

Do i love myself if i love putting make-up on and straightening my hair?

No, cource not you just Love to look good and theres nothing wrong with that, :D

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