Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Does straightening your hair everyday cause hair loss?

I've been using hair straightener everyday and when i take a shower i always see tonns of hair fall off my head.

Does straightening your hair everyday cause hair loss?

It can be one reason. Badly damaged hair breaks at the scalp. To treat hair loss apply a little lemon juice with some black tea. Massage well and shampoo. Rub oil into the scalp. Wring out a towel in hot water and wrap it on the head. Keep it on for 15 minutes. Shampoo and dry well. Check out for more info.

Does straightening your hair everyday cause hair loss?

yes because the heat burns the ends and it causes your hair to fall off

Does straightening your hair everyday cause hair loss?

I never knew if it did or not, I don't see how heating the ends of your hair could effect the you have long hair I know mine looks like a lot because it is so long...

i know it causes split ends...but hair loss....dunno

Does straightening your hair everyday cause hair loss?

It doesnt cause you to loose your hair but if ur not using a leave in conditioner before you straighten its gonna dry your hair out really bad.

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