Friday, November 13, 2009

After straightening your hair?

what do you put in your hair to keep it somewhat straight for the rest of the day? would mousse work? another product?

After straightening your hair?

I usually use a heat memory spray while i straighten it. After that, you could try some serum %26amp; hairspray (not too much though)

After straightening your hair?

i just use super light weight hairspray

After straightening your hair?

Salons have smoothing serum and starch spray to use with straightening. That is what I use and it works well. I spray the starch spray onto the strand right before I straighten it, and do all my hair like that. Then you take like a pea size (or less depending on amt of hair, I have long) and then use your hands like a flat iron and go over the strands to hold it in place and calm fly aways.

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