Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Is permanently straightening your hair going to make it go orange? My hair is quite fair, light brow

Why do some salon's charge $500 dollard and other's only $100?

Haven't dyed my hair in about 1.5 years.

Is permanently straightening your hair going to make it go orange? My hair is quite fair, light brown.?

no, it won't change your hair color....some are going to charge 500 dollars because they've built up a reputation as a fancy salon. of course it's always the best to go to the expensive and well known ones but not everyone is rich. the 100 dollar ones work fine. i've had it done a million times. get the japanese hair straightening called magic straight. the regular perm straight doesn't last very long. magic straight is truly permanent and the only time you have to do it again is when your hair grows out. my aunt owns a salon, she charges about 150 dollars. this one girl i knew got it done really cheap (about 70 bucks) and a lot of her hair fell out causing her to wear a wig for a while so be sure to shop around and make sure that the place you're going isn't a hole in the wall type of place. :(

Is permanently straightening your hair going to make it go orange? My hair is quite fair, light brown.?

i dont think itll change the color, but it might damage ur hair. you should ask before you get it done if your hair can handle it.

Is permanently straightening your hair going to make it go orange? My hair is quite fair, light brown.?

It can change the color.

Is permanently straightening your hair going to make it go orange? My hair is quite fair, light brown.?

here in london england it costs 鎷?50 thats around $300 but it contains powerful chamicals which damage the hair

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