Friday, November 13, 2009

Does rebonding(permanent straightening) damage our hair? How should we take care of rebonded hair?

as rebonding is a chemical process, it will dry your hair. However, normally when i rebond my hair, i will get a hair treatment in the same session as well. And when i wash my hair, i will condition it and avoid blow drying it.

Does rebonding(permanent straightening) damage our hair? How should we take care of rebonded hair?

like all chemical treatments such as perming or chemstr8

its going to take alot of neutrients out of your hair. So if you are going to have it done, get a hot oil treatment and mineral conditioner afterwards.

Goodluck :D

Does rebonding(permanent straightening) damage our hair? How should we take care of rebonded hair?

no,i don't think u need much of those! after all they're chemicals as well,but i personally advise a good diet + vitamin e consumption.

I was asking the same question before i do it myself!u get all kinds of answers!

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